Call for Abstracts: Plato’s Lysis

Plato’s Lysis:

A Virtual Conference Jointly Sponsored by

The Ancient Philosophy Society for the Study of

Ancient Greek and Roman Thought


The International Plato Society (Asia, Africa, and Australia Regions)

June 13-14, 2024

We are pleased to solicit abstracts for a conference jointly sponsored by the Ancient Philosophy Society and the International Plato Society, to be held remotely from June 13-14, 2024. The purpose of this meeting is to foster dialogue between scholars in Asia-Oceania and their colleagues across the globe (Europe, Africa, and The Americas), so submissions from diverse cultural and geographical regions are strongly encouraged.

In keeping with the aim of the conference, which is to cultivate intellectual and scholarly friendships across cultures, we invite submissions on Plato’s Lysis. All submissions must be received by January 31, 2024.

Authors from Asia and Oceania:

Please submit abstracts to:

Please submit questions to:

Authors from all other parts of the globe:

Please submit abstracts to:

Please submit questions to:

The name, institution, and references pertaining to the identity of the author must be omitted from the abstract, notes, bibliography, and document properties to facilitate anonymous review.

Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts must be written in English. Only one submission per author will be considered. Submission implies that the abstract and resulting paper are entirely the author’s own unpublished work and that, where appropriate, the contributions of others are acknowledged. Abstracts must not exceed 300 words; and full-length papers for those who are accepted should be between 1,500-3,000 words (max. 20 mins reading time), exclusive of footnotes and bibliography. Longer abstracts and complete papers will not be forwarded to the Program Committee. In keeping with the goal of the APS to support a variety of interpretive methods, authors are encouraged to include in their abstracts a brief reflection on their approach to reading and thinking about Plato.

The Ancient Philosophy Society was established (2001, Villanova University) to provide a forum for diverse scholarship on ancient Greek and Roman texts. Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the APS supports phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, queer, and feminist interpretations of Ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works. For additional information, please visit

The International Plato Society promotes Platonic studies throughout the world and communication among scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato. For additional information, please visit