APS Response to Racist Incidents at SCS 2019

In response to the incidents of overt racism at the 2019 Society for Classical Studies meeting, reported in Inside Higher Ed and in Professor Dan-El Padilla Peralta’s trenchant response, the Ancient Philosophy Society affirms and deepens its commitment, articulated in its statement on diversity, to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for scholars of color, and to fostering critical approaches to the study of Greek and Roman antiquity from a multiplicity of perspectives. We invite all our members and visitors to read Professor Padilla Peralta’s response, and to evaluate and work to transform in its light disciplinary practices at our home institutions (including in hiring, admissions, mentoring, and judgments about what constitutes serious and mainstream versus marginal scholarship), in our editorial and publishing activities, as well as at our scholarly meetings. 

APS statement on diversity: The APS values diversity in its membership as well as in its scholarly perspectives. We particularly invite submissions from members of groups underrepresented in philosophy, including women, people of color, LGBTQI individuals, and people with disabilities. The APS conference is wheelchair accessible.

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