APS Digital Community Update

I thought I would give everyone a few updates on things related to our digital community at the Ancient Philosophy Society as we begin to turn our attention to the upcoming conference at Michigan State.

First, I am very pleased to see that we have, as of this writing, 292 fans on the Ancient Philosophy Society Facebook page. I encourage all readers of this blog to join us on Facebook where not only posts from this blog appear, but also comments and posts from others writing on our wall can be found.  I would love to see a more dynamic conversation both here and there on the Facebook page.

In order to facilitate that, I would like to propose that we use the following twitter hash tag for the 2010 conference: #APS10.  You can follow my tweets about the conference at: http://www.twitter.com/cplong and I invite other members who use twitter to comment below with your twitter name and to use the #APS10 hash tag when you tweet something related to this year’s conference.

Also, I hope people will take pictures of the activities around the APS conference this year and post them on the Facebook page as well.  Those of you with Flickr accounts can also use the APS10 tag for your pictures if you post them so we can begin creating a collection of photos for the Society.

Finally, if there are members of the APS who would be interested in co-authoring this blog with me, please contact me at admin@ancientphilosophysociety.org.  I would love to see if we can generate some more content for this blog from members interested in posting things related to our work together on the ancient texts.

2 thoughts on “APS Digital Community Update”

  1. Hi! I was just wondering what the on site registration fee for the MSU conference would be for a graduate student.



    1. Karen, if you are a graduate student from a co-sponsoring institution, Grand Valley State University, Michigan State or the University of Michigan, then the registration fee is waived and you will be charged $30 for the student membership fee in the APS. If you are not from one of the co-sponsoring institutions, then you will be charged $55 which includes the registration fee and membership fee. I hope we see you there!

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