2012 Collegium Phaenomenologicum: On Life in Greek Philosophy

Arch in Città di Castello by Anguskirk via Flickr

The Collegium Phaenomenologicum will convene for its thirty-seventh annual session in the Umbrian town of Città di Castello, from July 9–27, 2012. The Collegium is intended for faculty members and advanced graduate and postdoctoral students in philosophy and related disciplines. The theme for this year’s Collegium is Ζωή: On the Question of Life in Ancient Greek Philosophy.

Here is the 2012 Collegium Poster.

The program for the Collegium is comprised of three interrelated weeks of inquiry; each week includes (1) a lecture course given on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, (2) intensive text seminars held in conjunction with the lecture course, and (3) individual lectures on related themes on Tuesday and Thursday.

This year, the program will feature a lecture course in the first week by Claudia Baracchi, University of Milan, on generation in Plato’s Timaeus, in the second week by Michael Naas, DePaul University, on animality and politics in Plato’s Statesman, and in the third week by Walter Brogan, Villanova University, on Aristotle’s Politics. Additionally, invited papers will be given by John Sallis, Drew Hyland, Melissa Lane, Andre Laks, Miriam Leonard, Andrew Benjamin, Francisco Gonzalez, Christopher Long and Laurence Hatab.

Applications are due on February 15th; for the application form and a complete list of participating faculty as well as other information, please consult their website:

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Sara Brill directly at sbrill@fairfield.edu.